Archive for November 2013

War horse

By : Unknown
 The film War horse is a film that has a story that runs on World War One. The  story started in an English town called Devon. A half-thoroughbred horse was sold on an auction to a farmer named Ted Narracott for 30 guineas. Not only should he have used the money to pay his landlord, llyons, for the farm rent but Ted should have also bought a plough horse but instead he bought a half-thoroughbred. When Ted got home with the horse his wife, Rosie, was enraged with Ted. She was mad because Ted did not bought a plough horse instead a thoroughbred and for 30 guineas. Rosie then force Ted to give it back to the auction, but then Albert (Albie for short) the couple’s son said that he would take good care of the horse and train him so that it is able to plough the fields. In an instance Albert have made a very strong bond with the horse and named it Joey. Albert and Joey trained, and as time goes their relationship and bond got stronger.
Joey was forced to plough the hard soil, he was not able to plough but a miracle happened, it rained. So Joey and Albert plough the whole field, it was used to plant turnips. But a huge storm came and destroy all the crops, and they were not able to pay the land lord.
On the same day the War had started and the army went to the town. Ted took joey to town without Albert’s acknowledgement. It was sold to a captain named Nicholls. Joey made a friend during the army training his name was Tophorn. Joey was part of a cavalry surprise attack, it had success at first but then the German’s counter them using machine guns, only two survived but they were captured. Joey and Tophornn was taken by the Germans and was taken care of by two German brothers named Gunther and Michael. Gunther and Michael ran away from the army and hid in a windmill but were found by the army and was shot and killed. The two horse was later on found by a little girl named Emillie, she showed her Grand pere (grandpa) the horses. But when Emillie was riding Joey, they were found by the German army and the two horses was taken by them.
In the army joey and Tophorn was taken care by Heigleman (a private). Joey was used to pull heavy artillery, which will be used to shot British army on the other side. In the British side Albert was there ready to charge and kill Germans. And they succeeded. Back to joey, his friend Tophorn died and the Germans was pushed back by the British, the private yelled at Joey to Run. Joey Ran and ran and eventually he ran into the no man’s land and was entangled in barbed wire. The British and the Germans saw Joey. Collins (British) and Peter (German) came to help Joey. When they were finished helping Joey they had a coin toss to see who can take Joey. Collins Won.
Collins took the horse back to the British base and asked the doctor to heal the horse. The doctor said that he had no time for Joey and that joey’s wound was impossible to fix. But then Albert showed up and proved that the horse was his precious horse, Joey. The Doctor eventually agreed to heal Joey.

When the war ended Joey was sold at an auction. Albert was determined to buy Joey back. But then Emilie’s grandfather came and bought Joey for 100 pound. Albert pleads to the Grandfather to give Joey to him. But the grandfather said that Joey was his only memory of Emilie. The grandfather realized that Joey was Albert’s when Joey wants to go back to Albert and that Albert knows what the little flag is, the regimental Pennant. And Albert gets to take joey back. The last scene of the film shows Albert hugging his parents.

Reflection on argumentative and debates

By : Unknown
Reflection on the topics Argumentative writings and Debate

I feel pretty good when doing the two topics. I loved both topics actually, the were fun. In argumentative writing we learnt the format when writing an argumentative essay and what should be inside each paragraph, how to disproof and how to cite. And most importantly how to create a good and complete argumentative essay. Though i still need to improve on my citing skill.

The second topic debates was also very fun. I get to speak, and i love to speak. In this topic i was helped by my skills in making argumentative essay. Because we need to argue when debating. Since it was group work my collaboration skills was also assessed during the making of our groups points and who does what. In the group i was the last person so i need to REBUTT my opponents (counter) and make a conclusion to my group. And the most important thing... The statement. I neeed to make a very good statement that the audience will remmeber.

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